Junior coaches should have a communication channel with the parents

Direct communication with the parents is helpful in the organisational aspects of managing a team and can also improve the player's performance.

Why is it important to communicate with parents?

Parents need to know who is responsible for their children during practice and what kind of environment they spend their time in. The more direct and open the communication between trainer and parents, the more they will be able to trust that their child is in good and responsible hands. Having official meetings with parents and guardians at the beginning of each season can aid in creating clear communication channels and benefit parents, as you will inform them of the practical and financial commitments for the season.
Interact with parents to educate them on how you handle rules like respect, equity, inclusivity and spirit during practice and how important it is for the group. Inform them about the safeguarding rules and keep them informed about their child's progress, not only from a sport but also from a social-emotional point of view.
During puberty, boys and girls can experience difficulties getting organised and can often be unmotivated to take part in recreational activities, especially when it conflicts with other events in their lives like schoolwork. By showing parents that Ultimate is a good environment for athletic and personal development, you are improving the likelihood that these parents will actively support their child in attending training, whether by bringing them to and from practice or volunteering to help chaperone trips to tournaments. Furthermore, having parents involved in the team could lead to sponsorship or fundraising opportunities for the team.

What impact can this have on the team?

Ultimate's commitment to the spirit of the game (SOTG) is a huge asset to the sport. It is essential to have good communication with the parents and explain the values of respect and self-arbitration deeply connected with the sport and the expectations of the players' behaviour. This communication will ensure the longevity of ultimate's commitment to SOTG.
On a more organisational note, it is financially and organisationally challenging to have junior players attend weekend-long tournaments far away from home without good parental support.
Moreover, it is advisable to have a dedicated communication channel for the parents separate from the juniors to discuss organisational issues like membership fees, tournament registrations or travel arrangements. You can even invite the parents to team meetings so that they know about the season plan and have a dedicated space to ask questions to the coaches.
If you can get commitment from the parents to support you during tournaments or include them in other club activities, you have the building blocks of a great junior team.

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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.