Organisation - Recruit

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    Emphasise the social aspect of the sport to boost retention As part of the onboarding procedure for new players, they have some social activities after training to help create a welcoming atmosphere and  overcome any initial uncertainties. Building a supportive female network increases the chances that a player will stay in the association. Social  activities help to create and establish networks.
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    Recruiter Training - getting the most out of your recruitment efforts A key objective for many associations is to grow; to grow, you need to recruit. Basic training can equip recruiters with simple skills to encourage  new players to join. It also allows potential players to get a glance at the sport and what the community is like. 
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    Have a recruiting strategy Set a SMART goal, create a plan to achieve it, reserve resources and keep the focus on your primary target. 
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    Have a welcome plan for new players After all your efforts recruiting new athletes, it is crucial to have a plan for them as well as clear responsibilities, so that they feel included, when  new players come into the training. 
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    Let respected figures introduce coaches When a respected figure introduces or praises the competencies of a coach or athlete, they pass on the part of their authority to that person,  directly influencing the perception the audience has of them.
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    Focus on recruiting women matching players to grow your community Women's sports are shown to grow much faster than established men's ones. So by investing in the recruitment of women matching players, you  invest in the quick and sustainable growth of your club or association and contribute to community efforts to make Ultimate more gender equitable. 
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    Show the competitive side of the sport especially for women matching athletes Presenting how women-matching athletes play sports helps break stereotypes and allows young women matching athletes to approach these  sports. 
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    Benefits of Mixed Ultimate for young athletes Recruiting in schools and after school programmes can be a great way to introduce ultimate to young athletes. Since the physical differences  between 14 year olds are negligible, Mixed Ultimate helps create an equitable and respectful atmosphere when they get older. 

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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.