Media - Recruit

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    Emphasise and promote what makes your sport special Knowing what makes your association unique can help your promotion and recruitment efforts. All associations should strive to have gender equity as one of their key selling points, as this will help develop a gender-equitable ultimate community. 
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    Promote your association using different media channels Your media strategy should reflect your association's identity, culture and critical principles. You should consider what messages you want to  communicate through social media and which channels to use. Equity considerations should always be integral to media plans. 
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    Have a media strategy that compliments your recruiting strategy How an association presents itself in the media strongly influences how potential new members perceive it. Making Gender Equity and Inclusivity  one of the core messages of your public presence can raise your standing and be beneficial not only from a recruiting point of view but also from a marketing  and sponsoring point of view.
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    Have videos and links with engaging and exciting content Short videos are great advertisements for a sport on social networks. These should emphasise what makes the sport or the event special. You  can also use these videos to increase the representation and promotion of women matching athletes within the Ultimate community.

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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.