LGBTQI stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex people.
To find out more about LGBTQI+ and sports see:
- Stonewall has a campaign running called Rainbow Laces, incl. a useful report entitled Make Sport Everyone's Game.
- The Out-Sport Project, funded by the European Commission, has the aim to provide a more accurate picture of sexual diversity and gender identities in sport across Europe. This includes some easy tips for Coaches, Teams, and Athletes
- LEAP Sports Scotland offers development support for new and existing clubs; resources and campaigns; ways to get involved; and a list of trainings (incl. upcoming ones in Aug, Sep, & Nov here >
- Pride Sports, a UK organisation for LGBT sports development and equality, as a social enterprise & organisation for LGBT Sports Development & Equity offers many resources that you can use.
- Out For Sport London "is a grass roots, all volunteer organisation run by London's sports clubs." They represent LGBT sports clubs and teams to increase participation in LGBT sport in and around London.
- Sports England also have some resources on Sport, sexual orientation and gender
- Athlete Ally and Outsports are USA-based organisations with lots of news, stories, resources, campaigns, etc.