Networking - Schools

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    Cooperate with schools and PE teachers to showcase your sport — The most efficient way to recruit junior players is during physical education classes or after-school programs. Long-term collaborations with schools can ensure a continuous flow of recruits into your club or association. Cooperation with schools or teachers should be a key part of your recruiting strategy if your association targets students.
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    Bring role models to beginner sessions One of the key aspects of recruiting is having potential new players identify with a role model. Age, ethnicity, gender and other aspects play a role in the identification process. A role model plays a central role in showing new players what they can achieve. 
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    Bring role models to beginner sessions One of the key aspects of recruiting is having potential new players identify with a role model. Age, ethnicity, gender and other aspects play a role in the identification process. A role model plays a central role in showing new players what they can achieve. 
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    Cooperate with schools and PE teachers to showcase your sport — The most efficient way to recruit junior players is during physical education classes or after-school programs. Long-term collaborations with schools can ensure a continuous flow of recruits into your club or association. Cooperation with schools or teachers should be a key part of your recruiting strategy if your association targets students.

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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.