Creative Event Formats that Improve Retention
One of the most challenging aspects of a growing sport is finding a way to create competitions and training sessions that meet the expectations and requirements of all levels.
This is particularly true when it comes to tournaments where there are rarely enough players at the same level to create meaningful competition days.
Throughout the last few years, a range of tournament formats have been trialled in Irish Ultimate thanks to the creative scheduling of Dominick Smyth from Dublin Youth Ultimate.
We've explained some of them below and how we have used them in Ireland.
Event Formats
Not everyone wants to play a version of ultimate frisbee, they just want the real thing. These games and new formats do improve players of all levels and get us to think outside of our own comfort zones and levels. They also encourage beginners because in a new format everyone is a beginner. It is a way to level the playing field. These are just some of the things that we have tried in Ireland to increase engagement, retention and participation in the sport from school to club level and we have found that a lot of women enjoy and participate in these leagues, tournaments
and tailored training sessions.
Relevant Links
- Junior Mixed Clubs - Have additional open and women's practices and tournaments
- Organise hat tournaments or pick-up leagues where people at all playing levels can participate
- Take new players to a fun beginners-only tournament
- Practising gender equity at training sessions
- The benefits of developing leaders in your club
- GirlsOnlyUltimate in Vienna
- Emphasise the social aspect of the sport to boost retention