Coaching - Train
Create seasonal milestones for your team: Start of the season, Mid-season review, End-of-season celebration — Successful teams use milestones and team meetings to set and focus on their seasonal goals, track their progress and celebrate their successes at the end of the season.
Give beginners short-term goals — It is hard for athletes to commit to sport as long as they are not invested. Short-term goals help to keep their focus during practice and encourage athletes to begin investing in their progress.
Adopt pedagogical methods in training — Coaches should have pedagogic knowledge and training to make the dissemination of information more effective and engaging.Pedagogical methods are an easy way to structure training, ensure effective communication and deliver results.
Practising gender equity at training sessions — Gender equity can be encouraged through participation in specific drills. Changing behaviours regarding gender equity on the field can also affect how we perceive others and deconstruct our biases off the pitch.
Don't compare the women's and men's divisions of the same sport — Although a sport may be played by the same rules regardless of gender, there are often tactical differences between women’s and men’s sports that make any comparison between the two ineffective and inappropriate. There is often the tendency to measure women's sports according to how men's sports are played and reduce the former as a lesser copy of the latter.
Menstruation and its potential effect on training plans — The menstrual cycle has a massive impact on the training and life of an athlete. Coaches should be aware of issues associated with the menstrual cycle and be able to adapt and personalise their program to suit the needs of their athletes.
Player responsibilities should involve development activities — Sports associations are mainly run by volunteers; therefore, as many people as possible must dedicate time to recruiting for and developing the organisation. Each association must invest in development to generate a continuous flow of new members and raise the quality of the existing player base.
Define how and by whom personal feedback should be given — Feedback allows a player to improve. But there should be clear rules on how to give it and who should do it to avoid confusing players with contradicting suggestions. Feedback is a central tool in developing a person and their skills, but all involved need to know how to use it.
Menstrual cycle and training — The menstrual cycle should be considered, and more awareness should be raised about how hormones interact with an athlete's performance and injury prevention.
Create seasonal training plans and distribute them in advance — A seasonal training plan creates a structure for the season. It allows athletes to plan their season and ensure they maximise their training. All bodies are different and, as a result, react to intensive and rest periods differently.
Practising gender equity at training sessions — Gender equity can be encouraged through participation in specific drills. Changing behaviours regarding gender equity on the field can also affect how we perceive others and deconstruct our biases off the pitch.
Adopt pedagogical methods in training — Coaches should have pedagogic knowledge and training to make the dissemination of information more effective and engaging.Pedagogical methods are an easy way to structure training, ensure effective communication and deliver results.
Give beginners short-term goals — It is hard for athletes to commit to sport as long as they are not invested. Short-term goals help to keep their focus during practice and encourage athletes to begin investing in their progress.
Create seasonal milestones for your team: Start of the season, Mid-season review, End-of-season celebration — Successful teams use milestones and team meetings to set and focus on their seasonal goals, track their progress and celebrate their successes at the end of the season.
Create seasonal training plans and distribute them in advance — A seasonal training plan creates a structure for the season. It allows athletes to plan their season and ensure they maximise their training. All bodies are different and, as a result, react to intensive and rest periods differently.
Menstrual cycle and training — The menstrual cycle should be considered, and more awareness should be raised about how hormones interact with an athlete's performance and injury prevention.
Define how and by whom personal feedback should be given — Feedback allows a player to improve. But there should be clear rules on how to give it and who should do it to avoid confusing players with contradicting suggestions. Feedback is a central tool in developing a person and their skills, but all involved need to know how to use it.
Player responsibilities should involve development activities — Sports associations are mainly run by volunteers; therefore, as many people as possible must dedicate time to recruiting for and developing the organisation. Each association must invest in development to generate a continuous flow of new members and raise the quality of the existing player base.
Menstruation and its potential effect on training plans — The menstrual cycle has a massive impact on the training and life of an athlete. Coaches should be aware of issues associated with the menstrual cycle and be able to adapt and personalise their program to suit the needs of their athletes.
Don't compare the women's and men's divisions of the same sport — Although a sport may be played by the same rules regardless of gender, there are often tactical differences between women’s and men’s sports that make any comparison between the two ineffective and inappropriate. There is often the tendency to measure women's sports according to how men's sports are played and reduce the former as a lesser copy of the latter.