Calling In and Calling Out

Calling in is an invitation to a one-on-one or small group conversation to bring attention to an individual or group's harmful words or behaviour, including bias, prejudice, microaggressions, and discrimination

Calling out is bringing public attention to an individual, group, or organization's harmful words or behaviour.

Why Would I Call Someone In or Out?

  • To stop the perpetuation and negative effects of harmful words or behaviour
  • To create a compassionate space for listening, understanding, offering new information, and correcting assumptions
  • To lean into having tough conversations with people in your sphere of influence - the individuals or groups you know personally, and that will be open to conversation with you

Note: Calling in and calling out are not mutually exclusive strategies. Depending on the situation, calling out could precede calling someone in for a follow-up conversation.

Source, and far more on this at: Calling In and Calling Out Guide | Harvard

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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.